Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

Posts tagged ‘rebellion’

Do Not Be Afraid: It’s a Commandment!

contingency plan

By Lisa Nordell-Detres

There are few places we can look these days where somebody is not trying to prey on our fears. News about the crime rates, economy, the weather and even what might visit or hit earth from outer space all have the potential to send us running for the hills. If we spend just a little time entertaining the potential scary situations that could befall us in this life, we will find ourselves in a constant state of alert. That is not a healthy place to live, either physically with the adrenaline pulsing through our system, emotionally if we are neither fighting nor running from the source of fear, and especially spiritually, since we are not  trusting in God.

The apostle John (John 16:33) records Jesus comforting His followers in the hours before He was to be crucified. Jesus assured his followers, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (NIV) Over and over again in the Bible, we are commanded not to be afraid. Why should we not be alarmed when there are so many dreadful things and people out there? Isn’t it just natural to be afraid? Perhaps, but if we truly place our lives in the hands of Jesus, the one who has overcome the world, what is there to fear? God promises over and over again that He will be with us, will take care of us and never leave us. Psalm 121 is a great example of this promise.

To continue to fear, knowing that the Creator of the Universe is watching over us is to say that we do not think God is powerful enough to take care of us and that we need to take matters into our own hands. That is rebellion against God and will make us vulnerable to all the things which cause us to panic. On the other hand, if we trust in God, we will have peace no matter what is going on in the world.

Live in peace or live in panic, the choice is yours today. Peace to you!

Lisa Nordell-Detres is a mother of four, grandma to two boys, a pastor’s wife and has worked in the garment and customer service industries in southern California. Besides writing, Lisa enjoys cooking, sewing, organic gardening, hiking, skiing and doing most anything outside.

Lisa was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Fashion Design from Woodbury University and an MBA from California State University at Northridge. Lisa, her husband and their youngest child now live in central Oregon.